Iq Test

An IQ (Intelligence Quotient) test for children is a standardized assessment designed to measure a child's cognitive abilities and intellectual potential.


It basically refers to one’s ability to do certain kinds of work.

An IQ test is a set of questions designed to measure an individual's intellectual abilities. It can assess the capacity for problem-solving, logical reasoning, and abstract thought. These tests are standardised Psychometric tests to measure the ‘Intelligence Quotient’, which is a psychological indicator of one’s relative mental and cognitive abilities as per their age. 

Simply put, the IQ test is a measure of human intelligence. It consists of questions that are meant to assess a person's cognitive abilities, as well as their capacity to learn and adapt. It measures how smart someone is compared to the norm for their age group.

For decades, students and adults alike have used the ‘Intelligence Quotient’ test as an estimate of their intelligence levels. With its extensive research and long history, it has become one of the most trusted psychometric tests today.

Why Choose Our IQ Test?

Our ‘Intelligence Quotient’ Test is an accurate measure of intelligence aligned with MENSA, the world's oldest and largest high-IQ society. Our test is a scientifically created and time-tested assessment tool that has been benchmarked to match the same standards of a highly-rated MENSA IQ. The questions are similar in nature but have been tweaked slightly to ensure the results are as reliable and valid as possible. By taking this test, you can rest assured that you're getting the best insights into your intellectual abilities and potential for success.

What are the factors that need to be considered before taking Our online IQ test?.

The IQ test has the following features:

  • It is not limited by any language.
  • Anyone above the age of 12 years can take the test.
  • It is an objective assessment with right/ wrong answers.
  • Academic training can impact the results.
  • It is a performance-based assessment and is a psychometric test.
  • It can be used over significant periods to measure growth.
  • It has a time restriction.